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Design data panel

The design data panel allows you to choose the kind of experiment you want to perform. You can choose between two kinds of experimental design:

Two-group comparison

The comparison is performed between the two groups described in the experimental design file.
The experimental design file must include two columns: the first one with the names of the samples, the second one with the class to which each sample belongs. If the experimental design file contains more than two classes then you have to select the appropriate class for each condition.
Note: the condition 2 will be taken as a reference condition.

Correlation with continuous variable

A correlation is performed between the values of each effector circuit along the samples and the continuous variable introduced.
The experimental design file must include two columns: the first one with the names of the samples, the second one with the value of the variable for each one of the samples.

design_data.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/07 16:56 by krian